University of California, Berkeley (126) μΈλ€μΌν 리μ€νΈν Control Control Print and None None Indicates that Nothing is Returned - The special value None represents nothing in Python - A function that does not explicitly return a value will return None - Careful : None is not displayed by the interpreter as the value of an expression python codes ex. def does_not_return_square(x): x*x does_not_return_square(4) à None Pure Functions & Non-Pure functions Pure Fu.. DISC How to survive in CS61A For me γ ‘ - Ask questions. When I encounter something I don't know, I'll ask the TA. This is not to say I should raise my hand impulsively, but I am goint to see a lot of challenging stuff since English is a second language for me, plus I am not skill at programming. - Study in groups. Since now, I have my project group. I'm sure they are better than me. This class is not .. in-n-out brgr, no way out Λο½₯Π·ο½₯Λ Welcome PIER39 fall in love w/ San Fran clipper card for San Francisco useful apps Functions Lecture 2 – Names & Functions by. Chris Allsman Announcements - Hw0 released, due Friday : a survey but get it done early so you don’t forget - Tentative dates for assignments: : Hw1 released tomorrow, due Tuesday : Proj1 released Thursday, due July 8th - Discussion/OH starts today - Lab starts tomorrow or Thursday Policies, Part 2 Communication You should use piazza or reach out to your section.. μ΄μ 1 Β·Β·Β· 11 12 13 14 15 16 λ€μ