Lecture 2 – Names & Functions
by. Chris Allsman
- Hw0 released, due Friday
: a survey but get it done early so you don’t forget
- Tentative dates for assignments:
: Hw1 released tomorrow, due Tuesday
: Proj1 released Thursday, due July 8th
- Discussion/OH starts today
- Lab starts tomorrow or Thursday
Policies, Part 2
You should use piazza or reach out to your section TA for 99% of questions/issues
You will be expected to keep up with piazza announcements, but you may wish to turn off email notifications
Mental Health/DSP Accommodations
The instructors have access to DSP letters submitted, and will reach out closer to the exams for accomodations
Program Structure
Review – Expressions
Primitive Expressions : numbers, strings, names
Arithmetic Expressions : 1 + 2 15 // 3
Call Expressions : max ( add ( 2, 3 ) )
Review – Evaluating Call Expressions
1. Evaluate
a. Evaluate the operator subexpression
b. Evaluate each operand subexpression
2. Apply
: programs manipulate values
values represent different types of data
Integers / Floats / Strings / Booleans
Expressions & Values
: Expressions evaluate to values in one or more steps
Expression : “hello!”, 7 / 2, add(1, max(2,3))
Value : “hello!”, 3.5, 4
we think of writing w/ expression but computer uses values.
python : X distinctions between strings and numbers
python codes ex: from math import pi
Values can be assigned to names to make referring to them easier.
A name can only be bound to a single value.
One way to introduce a new name in a program is with an assignment statement.
Statements affect the program, but do not evaluate to values.
Check Your understanding
f = min
f = max
g, h = min, max
max = g
max ( f ( 2, g ( h ( 1, 5 ), 3 ) ), 4 )
ans. h(1,5) = 5, g(5,3) = 3, f(2,3) = 3, max(3,4) = 3 à 3
Visualizing Assignment
Names are bound to values in an environment
To execute an assignment statement
( functions are another type of value )
Functions allow us to abstract away entire expression and sequences of computation.
They take in some input (know as their arguments) and transform it into an output (the return value)
We can create functions using def statements. Their input is given in a function call, and their output is given by a return statement.
Defining Functions
Function signature indicates name and number of arguments.
def <name> (<parameters>):
return <return expression>
Function body defines the computation performed when the function is applied.
Execution rule for def Statements
1. create a function with signature <name>(<parameters>)
2. set the body of that function to be everything indented after the first line
3. bind <name> to that function in the current frame
Function in Environment Diagrams
Global frame
mul : func mul
square : func square(x)
from operator import mul
def square (x):
return mul(x,x)
y = square(-2)
def statements are a type of assignment that bind names to function values
Calling User-Defined Functions
Procedure for calling/applying user-defined functions (for now)
1. Create a new environment frame
2. Bind the function’s parameters to its arguments in that frame
3. Execute the body of the function in the new environment
python codes ex.
def square(x):
return x * x
f1 : square
x = -2
return value = 4
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