Mutable Values
Identity vs. Equality in Environment Diagrams
- Review : For assignment statements, evaluate the right side, then assign to the left
- Copying : When creating a copy, copy exactly what's "in the box"
Mutating Within Functions
Mutable Functions
Functions with behavior that changes over time
: returns the same value when called with the same input
: return values are different when called with the same input
Example _ withdraw
Argument : amout to withdraw
Return value : remaining balance
second withdrawal of the same amout
where's this balance stored ?
within the parent frame of the function
A function has a body and a prent environment
Persistent Local State Using Environments
: the parent frame contains the balance, the local state of the withdraw function
: all calls to the same function have the same parent
: every call decreases the same balance by ( a possibly different ) amount
Reminder : Logical Assignment
: assignment binds name(s) to value(s) in the first frame of the current environment
Execution rule for assignment statements :
1. evaluate all expressions right of =, from left to right
2. bind the names on the left to the resulting values in the current frame
Non-Local Assignment & Persistent Local State
: declare the name "balance" nonlocal at the top of the body of the functionin which it is re-assigned
: re-bind balance in the first non-local frame in which it was bound previously
Mutable Functions
The Effect of Nonlocal Statement
Effect : Future assignments to that name change its pre-existing binding in the first non-local frame of the current environment in which that name is bound
From the Python 3 language reference :
names listed in nonlocal statement must refer to pre-existing bindings in an enclosing scope
names listed in nonlocal statement must not collide with pre-existing bindings in the local scope ( current frame )
Python Particulars
: Python pre-computes which frame contains each name before executing the body of a function
: Within the body of a function, all instances of a name must refer to the same frame
Mutable Values & Persistent Local State
: mutable values can be changed without a nonlocal statement
Multiple Mutable Functions
Referential Transparency, Lost
: expressions are referentially transparent if substituting an expression with its value does not change the meaning of the program
: mutation operations violate the condition of referential transparency because they do more than just return a value; they change the environment
Summary ( what do I need to know about the mutable functions )
- nonlocal allows you to modify a binding in a parent frame, instead of just looking it up
- don't need a nonlocal statement to mutate a value
- a variable declared nonlocal must :
exist in a parent frame ( other than the global frame )
not exist in the current frame
Program Performance
Measuring Growth
- Different functions run in different amounts of time
: different implementations of the same program can also run in different amounts of time
- How do we measure this ?
: amout of time taken to run once ?
: average time taken to run ?
: average across a bunch of different computers ?
: number of operations ?
Improving Number of Operations
: Getting better performance usually requires clever thought
- some tools can be used to speed up programs
- other times, need to have a different approach or incorporate some insight
How to count calls
: can't always rely on having a program to count calls
- For an iterative function : step through the program, and identify how many times you need to go through the leep before exiting
- For a recursive function : draw out an environment diagram / call tree
After you this for a few example inputs, you can find patterns to estimate the number of steps for other inputs
'University of California, Berkeley > ElectricalEngineering & ComputerSciences' μΉ΄ν κ³ λ¦¬μ λ€λ₯Έ κΈ
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